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Your Michaela Reitterer

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Book at the best price!

Face portrait Michaela Reitterer

Book directly with us and enjoy the following benefits:

  • We guarantee that guests who book directly receive the best price – no other platform is cheaper.
  • -10% green bonus when traveling by bike or train

Your Michaela Reitterer

Experience Vienna | Page 14

by Elena Schöber
Since November 2016 we are proud associates of BIO HOTELS. Already ten years ago, hotels with a focus on sustainability have joined forces. Today the BIO HOTELS’ network consists of almost 100 hotels

by Elena Schöber
City trips are ideal to escape one’s everyday life for a few days. Museum visits, shopping trips and in between discovering the local delicacies – a tight schedule! Which is why many leave their

Kategorien: Career
by Elena Schöber
Since 1998, the Vegan Society Austria organises the summer festival “VEGANMANIA” every year. This year the festival celebrates its 20th anniversary. Naturally, this calls for a celebration!

by Elena Schöber
What would Austria be without its pastries and cakes? Well – at least only half as delicious. Our sustainably produced organic cereal products come from the corn mill Schälmühle Nestelberger, Perg,

by Elena Schöber
The new year is only two weeks old and it starts promising. For the fifth year in a row we have won the Holidaycheck Award. That makes us proud and we are very happy about it. Our guests are close to

by Elena Schöber
Snow is falling….it does look pretty but it also makes us think about warmer days in spring. We all are looking forward to having breakfast outside on the terrace, a bike ride through the city or a