Michaela Reitterer, owner of the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle in Vienna, pioneer, and visionary
Sustainability is not a project. Sustainability is an ongoing process.
And processes are ideally facilitated by someone who knows the ropes and is well-versed in the matter. Someone like me: Michaela Reitterer. As an enthusiastic hotelier, I‘ve made it my mission in life to help the world move toward the 17 SDGs.

- Green from the get-go.
When I started with the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle more than 20 years ago, I knew it would require relentless effort to run a sustainable enterprise. Already within a few years, we could celebrate becoming the first urban Net Zero Energy hotel, but it was clear that our journey had only just begun. Today, we are the world‘s first urban hotel to implement all 17 SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. - Learn from mistakes, especially those made by others.
Along this long journey, I‘ve made my share of mistakes and bad decisions. To err is human, and often it‘s necessary to progress towards one‘s ideals. But it‘s not sustainable if we keep making the same mistakes, whether our own or those made by others. That‘s why now I share my experience and know-how by supporting, motivating and inspiring other entrepreneurs. When all‘s said and done, our common goal must be a better future for all, not only our own businesses. - It‘s okay to feel uncertain.
We‘re living in trying times. Many business sectors are struggling with high energy costs, inflation, and rising interest rates, as well as the difficulty in acquiring (and retaining) suitable human resources. But, if you think about it, we‘ve always faced challenges and always will. As entrepreneurs, it‘s our nature to make possible the impossible. Not only for our clients but for the future of our own business and not least for the future of our planet. - The first step isn‘t the hardest.
Especially when someone points you in the right direction! As I said before, sustainability is not some finite project that takes a few weeks to complete. It is an ongoing process that you follow day in and day out. Sound scary? Not if you set your own pace (I‘m happy to help you find the perfect tempo). No one has achieved all 17 SDGs at once, but together we can work out how to tackle one goal after another while sustaining a thriving business. - Can a competition where everyone wins still be thrilling?
The major issues of our time and our trade are sustainability, human resources and digital transformation. In my hotel, all three are very closely interrelated. Since we follow the SDG creed in promoting equality, fair pay and professional development for our team members, we have enjoyed a loyal and satisfied workforce for decades. In return, they ensure that we are at the top of the online rankings. Because we actively publicize our efforts on social media, we attract not only guests but also employees who share our philosophy. How can you, too, succeed in all these areas – whether it‘s gaining followers, karma points or employees? I‘d be happy to tell you in person! - The goals have been set. Together we‘ll find the right way to get there.
In the framework of a workshop, I‘ll explain to you and your team how you can make your business more sustainable and thus fit for the future. Together we‘ll develop clear implementation strategies. As a team player, I‘ll not only bring my know-how and experience – I‘ll also bring the full support of my global network. The SDGs serve as a guide
to initiate business processes that will make your enterprise not only more sustainable but also more successful. And that‘s not just some empty promise, but an experience I‘ve personally undergone.
Who is Michaela Reitterer?
„My mission is sustainable corporate governance and the related implementation of all 17 SDGs.“
Europe‘s survival as an economically viable region depends on its achieving sustainability, not only regarding tourism but for all of us. Attaining this goal is only possible if we all pull together.
Since 2001, I have been the owner-CEO of Vienna‘s Boutiquehotel Stadthalle. Step by step, I have made my business increasingly sustainable. I‘m no stranger to seeing how a dismissive shake of the head turns into an appreciative nod. Moving toward positive change often requires swimming upstream. This takes boldness and bravery that can‘t be purchased, but with my help, you can build it up yourself!
What sets me apart:
- My pure optimism
- My sense of purpose and delight in success
- My love for teamwork
- Looking at the bigger picture
- My passion for efficient innovation
- My assertiveness – especially regarding sustainability
Who has set me apart:
- 2022 The Austrian Republic‘s Golden Medal of Honor for services to Austrian tourism
- 2021 SSDG Award of the Senat der Wirtschaft (Senate of Commerce)
- 2021 SME Enterprize Award Austria
- 2018 Brand Award
- 2015 The Austrian Republic‘s Silver Badge of Honor for the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle‘s outstanding efforts toward sustainable tourism
- 2011 Sterne Award of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) in the category „Sustainability“
- 2010 Austrian Climate Protection Prize by ORF (Austrian radio & television broadcaster)
- 2010 Hotelière of the Year
- 2009 City of Vienna Environmental Prize
- 2009 National Prize for tourism
Boards & Executive Activities
- since 2022 Tourism spokesperson for CEOs 4 Future
- since 2022 Member of Vienna‘s tourism commission since 2021 Board member of respACT
- since 2022 Stiftungsvorstand VTS Privatstiftung
- since 2022 Board member of ÖHV (Austrian Hotelier Association)
- 2017-2022 Supervisory Board of Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank
- 2013-2022 President of ÖHV (Austrian Hotelier Association)