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Your Michaela Reitterer

Experience Vienna | Page 16

by Elena Schöber
The 23rd of June is the day when Austria’s hotels open their doors for teenagers and their parents, so that they can get the possibility to take a look behind the scenes of the hotel business. The

Kategorien: Sustainability
by Elena Schöber
The United Nations declared the year 2017 as the „international year of sustainable tourism for development“. This goes hand in hand with the announced global agenda 2030 of the world touristic

by Elena Schöber
When the days grow warmer and the evenings longer, when the first flowers blossom and the winter coat can go back to its place in the cellar – spring is here! We feel lighter, are more enterprising

by Elena Schöber
For the 13th year in a row, this year the Africa Days (Afrika Tage) take place from 18th August until 13th September in Vienna. 18 days non-stop this extraordinary African celebration with a lot of

by Elena Schöber
DONAUKANALTREIBEN– May 2017 This year the famous Donaukanaltreiben is taking place from the 25th-28th May for the 11th year in a row. The festival stretches along the river Donau over many kilometres

by Elena Schöber
After a year of a creative pause, the 24th Life Ball is taking place again in Vienna this year. Since 1993, the Life ball, which is hosted in favour of HIV and AIDS sufferers, is one of the biggest