After we have revealed how you can implement this lifestyle in your kitchen with our last Zero Waste blog article, we will come to another difficult matter today: the bathroom. Do we really need numerous cosmetics in plastic tubes, phials and jars, in some cases even twice or threefold? This downright hoarding of care products is actually not only environmentally but also health damaging. Hence, it is worth trying to renounce packings and chemical ingredients, especially since many products can be easily produced by yourself.
Zero Waste in the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle (5)
It is helpful to remember the five basic steps in order to gradually reduce waste also in the bathroom. Step one reads “Refuse” which means that we should not take little shampoo bottles from hotel rooms with us, as tempting as it might be. Moreover, we should reject synthetic contents categorically and look for plantal alternatives instead which you can often find loose in organic shops. SkinDeep helps you to identify pollutants in cosmetics.

We are probably hoarding many of our beauty products mainly because the media assert us convincingly that they make us prettier, younger and slimmer. However, we should stay realistic and verify what is really true about it and, as far as it is possible, defy any advertisement. Therefore, the next step is again: clearing out mercilessly and testing every product for its efficiency. This will help us to realize our consumer behaviours and to buy less unnecessary cosmetics in the future. Aside from that, you should focus on versatile products. Soap, for instance, is perfectly suited not only for hand washing, but also for shampooing, showering or shaving and often is available loose.
Many of our tubes and jars can also be reused and filled with our self produced, vegetal cosmetics. Did you ever strike on the idea to temper your rouge of cocoa, cinnamon and beetroot powder? Many other simple and completely natural recipes can be found in Bea Johnson’s zero waste guide! If we fabricate the majority of our maintenance products by ourselves, we do not only give our health a treat, we also spare us the recycling of plastic waste. Last but not least, many bathroom refuses are also compostable.

We hope that our tips will help you and we wish you a lot of fun with implementing the Zero Waste lifestyle!