Every two years, they are coming together at the URBAN FUTURE global conference – the City Changers. They are people who want to make their city more sustainable with great enthusiasm and a lot of commitment and who want to actively make a change. The UFGC is the largest convention of this type worldwide with altogether 3000 participants from 44 cities and 200 speakers. And the best thing about it: it will take place here in Vienna next year! From the 28th of February to the 2nd of March in the Exhibition and Congress Centre Vienna, you can connect with people who are realizing ideas for a more sustainable city life with passion and innovation. We will reveal here, what will be offered:
URBAN FUTURE Global Conference 2017
Often, you do not even know where to start when pursuing such a great goal. A functioning communication between the inhabitants and the public bodies of a city can be the crucial success factor hereby. Therefore, the URBAN FUTURE demonstrates how sustainability should be communicated in order to effectively change something.
Aside from that, architects, engineers and developers present their ideas from the field of Living and City Planning to make clear, how to live in a sustainable manner also in metropolises.
Furthermore, public utility companies as well as resource- and waste managers will explain how you can reduce your consumption and therefore spare valuable resources.
Also current developments in the mobility section will be introduced by urban planners and experts of local public and private transport.

Here, you will learn more about the speakers or you can even suggest someone yourself who is a true city changer and should talk about it on the UFGC according to your opinion.
Hence, a lot will be offered at the URBAN FUTURE global conference and numerous interesting people with world-changing visions will be there. Everyone who wants to make their city more ecofriendly, should by no means miss this event. And to those of you who are looking for a sustainable accommodation, we can warmly recommend our green Boutiquehotel Stadthalle with zero energy balance. We are looking forward to welcoming you!