Vienna might be a capital city, but this does definitely not mean that it is grey, smelly, loud and crowded here. Actually, the opposite is the case! Half of the city area consists of idyllic green spaces after all, wherefore sightseeing can work in a green manner, especially in Vienna – from the inner city to the suburbs. We will reveal some sustainable possibilities to discover the most beautiful city in the world:
Sustainably en route in Vienna (1)
By foot
As there are numerous parks and green spaces in Vienna, like for example the Prater, the Donauinsel or the Augarten, it is definitely worth discovering the city on foot. Thereby, you will probably see the most and can take your time to explore everything without a hurry. And if walking gets too exhausting at some point, the next public mean of transport is normally not far.

By bike
If you prefer being on the way a bit faster, a cycling tour through Vienna would also be a great possibility to view the city, especially as we have a highly developed cycle transport network available here. We would love to organise a bicycle for you, by the way and we will provide you with tips for amazing routes in Vienna. Aside from that, we have our own bicycle garage at the Boutiquehotel Stadthalle where you can conveniently store your vehicle.
On a segway
A funny and adventurous but also economically friendly alternative would be a trip on one of the energy saving segways which run on electromotors. The guided sightseeing tours with the segway do not only include the most important tourist attractions, but also guarantee a lot of fun!

By boat
If you would like to explore Vienna from the Danube, you could also rent a pedal-, rowing- or sailing boat. Or you join a half-day excursion with the Vienna National Park Boat, including a hike through the Lobau and thereby experience the ecosystem water forest first-hand.
With an eTaxi
For distances which can neither be travelled by the public means of transport, nor by foot or bike, you could simply call an eTaxi! They can be ordered under the numbers +43 1 31300 or +43 1 40100. And the best thing about it: there is no difference in price between the electro taxis and the ordinary ones.

We wish you a great time in Vienna and much fun with your sustainable sightseeing trip!