Who has not heard it a thousand times, the motto “business before pleasure”? But who says that it cannot be the other way around? We will turn the tables in September and have a lot of fun before we dedicate ourselves to the serious side of life! Therefore, we will reveal everything you have to know about the Streetlife Festival and the Career Day in Vienna:
Streetlife Festival and Career Day in Vienna
Streetlife Festival
At the weekend from the 16th to the 17th of September it will become colourful in Vienna, at the yearly Streetlife Festival! For two days, all the city persons can amble along the Babenberger- and the Mariahilfer Straße. Much will be offered at this year’s Streetlife Festival and the best thing about it: the whole event is free. Not only numerous culinary delicacies are waiting for you but also more than 70 live acts, artists and initiatives. Culture lovers will get their money’s worth at concerts, street art and street theater performances. And the sportive ones among you can burn off their energy at dance workshops, parcours, street soccer and skate contests. The open air festival has opened for you on Saturday from 10 to 22 o’clock and on Sunday from 10 to 17 o’clock.

My Career Day
After all of the streetlife fun, it will get more respectable at Wednesday, the 27th of September on the Career Day. At the Hilton Vienna near the city park, interested parties can stop in without registration from 10 to 15 o’clock and take part in the job fair for hotel business, gastronomy and tourism. But no worries, it will not be that serious. In a relaxed atmosphere, you will learn all the things to know about the branch in individual conversations with personnel managers and get informed about entry-level career opportunities and vocational trainings. Moreover, various companies will introduce themselves within informative presentations so that you can look behind the scenes and ask questions about the application procedure or the work climate. At the costless application training, you will get to know how you can already score with your motivational letter and how you best present yourself at the job interview. All of your questions will be answered in exclusive appointments. Diverse exhibitors and an exciting programme are waiting for you!