After we have provided the best hiking tips for the nature lovers in our last late summer article, we want to address the music fans today. Because musically, the september in Vienna has a lot to offer:
Late Summer in Vienna (5)
Season opening of the Vienna State Opera
For example, the Vienna State Opera reopens its gates again after two months of summer break. And of course, the new season is commenced classy with a diverse open day. Stagestruck visitors can get a glimpse behind the scenes on the 3rd of September and discover areas of the building which are normally closed… Moreover, with a bit of luck, the ones who are impatient for the next performance, can get a little foretaste when choir, orchestra or ballet rehearsals are taking place at the moment. Aside from that, the participants get the possibility to explore the costume stock and put themselves to far places or into long bygone times. And as such an eventful open day needs a worthy ending, you will get to see a fulminant technical show. The brilliant acoustics and lighting will be demonstrated impressively, so that your appetite will be whetted. And the September programme is indeed imposing! Operas from internationally renowned artists like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giuseppe Verdi or Richard Strauss will be brought on stage.

Rock at the Campus Annivery
If classical music is not really your cup of tea, then maybe, you should reserve the 9th of September. Because then, Rock at the Campus will celebrate its fifth anniversary in the canteen garden of the FH Campus Vienna. Bands from Vienna or Tirol like Mother’s Cake, Boon, Lausch, Naplava and Old Mrs. Bates will perform in the open air. From 16 to 23 o’clock, they will come up with all style directions of rock, from psychedelic via heavy and progressive through to alternative, blues and post rock. Owners of a campus card pay 6 Euros for the event in the advance sale, the regular price amounts to 8 Euros. Both classic lovers and rock stars are cordially invited to stay overnight in our sustainable Boutique Hotel Stadthalle during their trip to Vienna. From the 20th of August to the 12th of September, you can even profit from our Indian-Summer-Discount. We are looking forward to seeing you!