After we have already presented you some sustainable gift ideas in our last two blog articles, we do not want to deprive you from our third advent calendar session this week, of course! We are sure that you will find one or two inspirations for Christmas here:
Our Advent Calendar with sustainable Gift Ideas (3)
“Act local. Respect global.” – this important message can be spread with the stylish cloth bag from Manomama from now on. No matter, whether for shopping, carrying books or as a daily attendant, the vegan bag of certificated Bio-cotton with the one-sided red imprint is a real eyecatcher and the perfect gift for everyone who lives environmentally conscious.

The baking book “Veganpassion” contains versatile sweet but also hearty recipe ideas, inspired by English tea biscuits, French pâtisserie and German classics like the Black Forest cake – all of them vegan! Detailed photo series illustrate the recipes very vividly and thereby also simplify the first experiences of baking newcomers.
You can bestow Christmas spirit with the affectionately designed Christkindl gift box from Sonnentor. Delicious Bio-cookies, magic lights tea, Advent spices, an aroma stone and a Christmas card are awaiting the presentee and will provide for an atmospheric enjoyment, for sure.

With the changing kit “Frida”, diapering will be as convenient as possible from now on for both parents and babies. The practical bag with hand strap has a closable side pocket, an own napkin clutch and a removable diapering underlay which is padded and easily wipeable. The changing kit is handy but nonetheless spacious, very flexible and aside from that a lovingly hand crafted unicum, mostly even of ecological or recycled materials.
The ceiling lamps of designer Selly Wane spray trendy industrial charm. The unconventional and expressive it-pieces are hammered of real oil drum covers, even keep their original colour and therefore are authentic unicums. The lamps are manufactured in Senegal, where the workers get fair wages and educational aid from the young startup.

These fashionable speakers of walnut wood function completely without bluetooth or WiFi due to the most modern induction technology. The audio signals of the smartphone are seized via the induction surface, enforced and conveyed by the intern speakers. Alternatively, you can also connect your electronic device via the supplied USB cord.
We hope that we could inspire you with our sustainable gift ideas and wish you an atmospheric Christmas time.